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PCA minds unite online

to support and develop

Charitable Cheerleading

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Summit 2022 ANNOUNCEMENT (300 × 200 px).png

Videoconferences that are "live" (in the "in real-time" sense) but not in person

These meetings are by invite only; each meeting has a specific topic and purpose, and is designed for a specific PCA group. In the spirit of We>Me, some of these meetings will intersect multiple groups, and some will invite representatives from outside of PCA (e.g., PCA Partner Organizations and third-party consultants/training agencies)

There is NO FEE and NO REGISTRATION associated with attending these videoconferences.

PCA strives to keep costs down when it can.

This year, PCA did not purchase a third-party videoconference platform like we did last year. We will use only user-friendly videoconference platforms that are at no cost to the org or attendee and are widely accessible.


Meetings have been scheduled for the following: PCA Board, PCA Delegation, PCA Social Media Team, Sin City Classic, Gay Games, Inter-team Coaches Roundtable, Inter-team Volunteer Management Workshop, PCA Equity & Inclusion Committee, PCA New Team Development Consultants... WOW! WHAT IMPACT!

Pre-recorded video presentations/dialogues accessed with a link and a password

These "TED Talk"-like videos are produced by PCA, for PCA. Videos cover a variety of interest areas which are ALL timely and relevant to the current activities of PCA Member Teams, and also hopefully will continue to be relevant in the future. The added benefit of pre-recording is this on-demand access. Viewers may also find the presentation topics to be broadly applicable - not just informing what we do in our volunteer capacity within PCA, but in our other personal and professional pursuits!


These are FREE to anyone affiliated with PCA or its Member Teams and there is NO REGISTRATION needed. Access instructions will be made available through your PCA Delegate. 


Videos will be rolled-out over Q4 of 2022 and will remain accessible as long as they remain relevant and useful. Topics include: inclusive language, web accessibility, cheerleading with disabilities, financial statements, systems and paperwork strategies, social media content calendars... ARE YOU EXCITED!?

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